Judy K Malcom, a beloved member of the Wauwanoka community, passed away on August 24, 2024. Born on November 4, 1953, in St. Louis, Missouri, to the late Agnes Dennison (mother) and Milburn Dennison (father). Judy lived a life filled with love, laughter, dedication and service to others.
Retiring from Eli Lilly in 2012, Judy had a passion for gardening and spent much of her free time tending to her beautiful flower garden. She also enjoyed her days living in the Lake Wauwanoka community, and spending time with her family and friends.
Judy was preceded in death by her husband, Earle W. Malcom, siblings Pat, Mike, Gerard, Eugene, Dorothy, Evelyn, Lisa and nephew Jason Dianopolis.
Judy is survived by her sons, John (Naomi) Mitchell, Jerry (Anna Lewis) Mitchell, daughter, Cammy Rosener, sisters, Linda Rulo, Margaret and Christine (Tam) Dennison. She is also survived by her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins.
SERVICES: Memorial visitation at Kutis Affton Chapel (10151 Gravois Road Affton, Missouri 63123) on Thursday, August 29, 4 – 8 p.m. Interment at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery at a later date. Contributions to Forever Husky (foreverhusky.org (https://foreverhusky.org/) ) appreciated.
We are going to miss your infectious smile and laughter at the lake, and of course all your hard work. Just look at that smile, and how could you not smile back. You will be forever missed Judy. God speed.
Lake Wauwanoka will not be the same without sweet Judy. Ever hardworking to keep the lake pretty, Judy did not complain or have a harsh word against anyone. She will be missed a lot.
So sorry to hear of Judy’s passing. She was a wonderful friend to all.