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In Loving Memory

Kalnins, Irene

Passed away on Sunday, December 13, 2020. Private funeral services were held at KUTIS AFFTON Chapel.



10 thoughts on “Kalnins, Irene”

  1. I attended nursing school with Irene. She lived on my floor in the nursing dorm.
    Irene was a smart, kind and caring person.
    I wish we had stayed in touch.

  2. I attended nursing school with Irene. She lived on my floor in the nursing dorm.
    Irene was a smart, kind and caring person.
    I wish we had stayed in touch.

  3. I have lost my dearest friend and words cannot express the emptiness I feel. Evie, I know how special you were to your mother. I am sure being with her at the end was very important to you both.
    We spent much time together going to movies and out to lunch at Plaza Frontenac. Irene was the world’s best listener though I was the “psychiatric nurse.” I realized how close we were when Irene was in Latvia and i was in St Louis emailing to each other. We discovered we were reading the same book at the same time and were almost on the same page. I will miss this close connection and my special friend.

    Evie, let’s stay in touch

  4. I have lost my dearest friend and words cannot express the emptiness I feel. Evie, I know how special you were to your mother. I am sure being with her at the end was very important to you both.
    We spent much time together going to movies and out to lunch at Plaza Frontenac. Irene was the world’s best listener though I was the “psychiatric nurse.” I realized how close we were when Irene was in Latvia and i was in St Louis emailing to each other. We discovered we were reading the same book at the same time and were almost on the same page. I will miss this close connection and my special friend.

    Evie, let’s stay in touch

  5. I will dearly miss my friend and co- worker. I am grateful for our last visit at Irene’s home over coffee and cappuccino Irene knew her days were numbered, but she stayed connected until the end. She was a remarkable lady.

  6. I will dearly miss my friend and co- worker. I am grateful for our last visit at Irene’s home over coffee and cappuccino Irene knew her days were numbered, but she stayed connected until the end. She was a remarkable lady.

  7. Irene served as a faithful volunteer teacher for a number of immigrant and refugee women through the program I work for, Immigrant & Refugee Women’s Program. We learned of her passing only much later, so I am very sorry that we were not able to offer our condolences sooner. Irene was an incredible person, so witty, caring, and dedicated. She did so much to help so many women in our program and was a friend to our staff. She was a delight. And she was helping us in the office with extra tasks and any way she could even after some of her health issues made things difficult for her. She is very missed and we love her. Condolences to Evie, I know we only met once or twice (at Trivia I believe!) and from what your mom told us it seemed you were very close. We deeply appreciate the legacy Irene has left with us and with the organization.

  8. Irene served as a faithful volunteer teacher for a number of immigrant and refugee women through the program I work for, Immigrant & Refugee Women’s Program. We learned of her passing only much later, so I am very sorry that we were not able to offer our condolences sooner. Irene was an incredible person, so witty, caring, and dedicated. She did so much to help so many women in our program and was a friend to our staff. She was a delight. And she was helping us in the office with extra tasks and any way she could even after some of her health issues made things difficult for her. She is very missed and we love her. Condolences to Evie, I know we only met once or twice (at Trivia I believe!) and from what your mom told us it seemed you were very close. We deeply appreciate the legacy Irene has left with us and with the organization.


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