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In Loving Memory

Minard, Tim “Timbo”

Minard, Tim “Timbo” age 39, Rode his Harley through Heaven’s Gates on Thursday, July 14, 2022. Loving father of Serenity and Destiny Minard; beloved son of Ken (Lisa) Minard and the late Marilyn Russel (nee Meek); dearest brother of Josh, step brother of Jamie and his two step sisters; our dear uncle, nephew, cousin and friend to many.

Tim was the craziest, most hardworking person ever; he had no off switch. His life was fast and furious and by his own rules. He is gone….but never forgotten. Rest in peace.

Visitation at KUTIS SOUTH COUNTY CHAPEL 5255 Lemay Ferry Rd. on Saturday, July 30, from 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. with the FUNERAL SERVICE at 4 p.m. (same day)


30 thoughts on “Minard, Tim “Timbo””

  1. T-bone I know we haven’t seen you for a long while but we never stopped loving you we are heartbroken over we have to say good bye we know ur so happy with ur momma

  2. T-bone I know we haven’t seen you for a long while but we never stopped loving you we are heartbroken over we have to say good bye we know ur so happy with ur momma

  3. This hurts my heart and soul so bad, I can’t believe he’s gone, I’m gonna miss him so much and idk how I’m gonna get passed it, it’s gonna hurt for aa while, I’m gonna miss his smile, him picking at me and just being there for me everytime I called and I needed him he was always there.. you will forever be in my heart Tim and I’ll cherish every last moment we. Has together and I promise I’m nott gonna let you down!! I am gonna miss you dearly my lovely friend and you will forever be in my thoughts… I love you Tim!!! Forever and always r.i.p love!!!! Xoxoxo

  4. This hurts my heart and soul so bad, I can’t believe he’s gone, I’m gonna miss him so much and idk how I’m gonna get passed it, it’s gonna hurt for aa while, I’m gonna miss his smile, him picking at me and just being there for me everytime I called and I needed him he was always there.. you will forever be in my heart Tim and I’ll cherish every last moment we. Has together and I promise I’m nott gonna let you down!! I am gonna miss you dearly my lovely friend and you will forever be in my thoughts… I love you Tim!!! Forever and always r.i.p love!!!! Xoxoxo

  5. We met in prison earlier this year..we got baptized at the same service. Your going to be missed man..I hope your at peace tim

  6. We met in prison earlier this year..we got baptized at the same service. Your going to be missed man..I hope your at peace tim

  7. I love you bro and it will never be the same now that your not here to keep me on my toes and toeing the line, you always kept me accountable and took care of me. When I needed anything you made damn sure I got it, just like you did for everyone.You taught me how to be a man or at least how to be close to it. I love you Timmy-bone, I know that I said it a lot but I don’t think you ever really knew how much each and everyone of us you left behind really did. I’m going to miss you brother so hold my spot for me up there and try not to give Jesus too hard of time. I’m sure he’s trying lol

  8. I love you bro and it will never be the same now that your not here to keep me on my toes and toeing the line, you always kept me accountable and took care of me. When I needed anything you made damn sure I got it, just like you did for everyone.You taught me how to be a man or at least how to be close to it. I love you Timmy-bone, I know that I said it a lot but I don’t think you ever really knew how much each and everyone of us you left behind really did. I’m going to miss you brother so hold my spot for me up there and try not to give Jesus too hard of time. I’m sure he’s trying lol

  9. I will miss and love you my spiritual son and friend. Ride high and free for your battle is done. And remember you still owe me that ride. So when I get there we will take it. Love momma ruby.

  10. I will miss and love you my spiritual son and friend. Ride high and free for your battle is done. And remember you still owe me that ride. So when I get there we will take it. Love momma ruby.

  11. When i think of Tim and all the ups and downs that our families have gone thru around and with eachother,his smiling face and bright spirit comes to my mind and i just cry out of selfishness that hes not here for me to call when i need a true friend that geniunely cares about me.to say ill miss you and i love you Tim is an understatement. Ill not be the same until we meet again

  12. When i think of Tim and all the ups and downs that our families have gone thru around and with eachother,his smiling face and bright spirit comes to my mind and i just cry out of selfishness that hes not here for me to call when i need a true friend that geniunely cares about me.to say ill miss you and i love you Tim is an understatement. Ill not be the same until we meet again

  13. My birthday had just pasted in may. On my birthday tim and jess had put together the most awesome shindig iv ever had!

    Tim bought me roses and a cake and me tim and jess spent the night singing to old hip hop songs and country .
    One of my favorite memories and ill never forget it, ill never for get him.

  14. My birthday had just pasted in may. On my birthday tim and jess had put together the most awesome shindig iv ever had!

    Tim bought me roses and a cake and me tim and jess spent the night singing to old hip hop songs and country .
    One of my favorite memories and ill never forget it, ill never for get him.

  15. Love you brother and I am saddened by the loss of a true brother. Gone but never forgotten. Going to miss you man.

  16. Love you brother and I am saddened by the loss of a true brother. Gone but never forgotten. Going to miss you man.

  17. We sang our last song together only days before. I am so thankful that God placed you & your family in my life. We have a had our ups & downs, but you taught me a lot. Thanks for always looking out for me here and now from above! I miss u already.
    <3always Kay

  18. We sang our last song together only days before. I am so thankful that God placed you & your family in my life. We have a had our ups & downs, but you taught me a lot. Thanks for always looking out for me here and now from above! I miss u already.
    <3always Kay


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