SERVICES: Visitation at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 3140 Meramec St., Wednesday, January 24, 10 AM until the funeral Mass at 11:00 am. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. In Lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Our Lady’s Inn or St. Anthony of Padua are appreciated. A KUTIS AFFTON SERVICE.
Fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church, entered into eternity on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at age 95.
Loving daughter of Alphonse and Adele Deken. Beloved sister of Alphonse Junior, Sister Mary Cornelius CSJ (Charlotte), Georgiana (Messina), Cornelius, Camilla (Messina), Brother Dismas Deken, OFM (Justin), Lorraine (Scott), Raymond, Jacqueline (Weber), Sister Marie De Montfort CSJ (Patricia), Anita (Milner). Dear aunt, cousin, friend, colleague, and devoted member of Saint Anthony of Padua parish. Her volunteer and service commitments included lifelong membership in the Legion of Mary and decades of service to the Young Catholic Musicians.
Today is Special
Michele Messina Long
From this day forward I will remember January 16, 2024
As the day Aunt Lou earned her proper place in Heaven.
I can see it like I was there.
Grandma and Grandpa and all her brothers and sisters singing her into heaven with their own rendition of “Whispering Hope.”
Even friends she had on earth from the Young Catholic Musicians of St. Louis, of which she was probably the oldest at 95, there to greet her, as well as the members of her Legion of Mary group who went before her.
Though she had kept working up until her fall, in her voice I could tell there was a different tired now and a loneliness for all who went before her as one by one they said their farewells.
Now, more prepared to leave the material behind and grab hold to and become a part of the spiritual world than anyone I know, she was at peace.
I’m grateful for all the nanoseconds she was a part of my life. She taught me so much about life and love and forgiveness. I’ll even charish the frowns she sent my way when I “missed the mark” and made a mistake, and there were a lot!
She taught me to play pick up sticks on the wood bedroom floor and we put puzzles together there, too. She taught me to roller skate and I learned to experience the freedom of flight she appreciated as well as we skated around the rink. She taught me to play tennis but, try as hard as I did, she always won, yet she encouraged me to keep trying in tennis as well as life.
She wasn’t much for frills yet I’m grateful for the times she kept me grounded as well as the times she let me soar. She never spoiled me but I never lacked for love because she was not too far away.
I guess I could go on and on, but then I’m sure you too have fond memories as well that you could share with me.
Let’s remember this day with a smile as the day she was welcomed with many open arms to heaven. May her memory be a blessing to us all.