Littlest brother with the biggest heart! Love you, Terry
Matt, a father who adored his daughter; and Molly, a daughter who adored her dad. Love you, Sue
A great brother and friend and a great dad! Will be greatly missed by all. Love you, Steve
For an amazing, beloved brother who loved life. He especiallly enjoyed doing things with his daughter, Molly…his pride and joy. Matt touched everyone in a special way and will be truly missed. Love you, Kathy and Fred
Matt graduated from Bishop DuBourg High School and then went to Northeast Mo State (Kirksville, MO) for a couple of years. He returned home when our dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Matt finished his accountiing degree at Fontbonne while helping mom take care of dad…tremendously challenging both mentally and physically.
Matt was an excellent athlete. He played basketball. baseball and soccer at DuBourg and baseball and soccer at Fontbonne. He also played American Legion Baseball. He was infamous for his loud grunt when swinging a baseball bat of softbal bat. Matt eventually picked up the game of golf at which he became very good and, unfortunately, the grunt carried over to his golf swing. Matt consistently hit a drive 270-280 yerds and occasionally hit a 300 yarder. He also would occasionally hit an errant shot which resulted in someone once stating “… I never saw anyone hit a ball into the woods as far as Matt could…”
Matt loved to fish and hunt. While growing up he went on numerous trips to Kentucky Lake, Table Rock Lake, and Minnesota with mom and dad, Rick and Rose. When it was time to get a picture of the huge bluegill they caught, Matt would line them up and made sure they were all pointing in the same direction (not a suprise to anyone who knows Matt well). He also knew how many were caught for the morning, afternoon and total for the day before anyone else even gave it a thought.
Matt became a hunting enthusiast, primarily hunting deer, dove, ducks and geese. He learned to use a shotgun on dove hunting trips with dad, family and friends. He was eventually introduced to foul hunting and with that he found his forte. He learned to effectively set up his decoys and could call them in with the best of them. He loved to shoot his rifle and pistols at Fred and Kathy’s place in Festus, and loved teaching Molly how to safely handle and shoot firearms.
We always joked about Matt being the guy you would want to be with if you got lost fishing, hunting, hiking, etc. He always had a stash of candy, cookies or some kind of snacks hidden away “just on case”
Matt loved the 4th of July and shooting off fireworks for Molly and whoever else wanted to come. He was always looking for the best deal on fireworks to see how many he counl get “for free”. Even though he would spend 3-4 hours shooting them off, He would still have enough left over for the next year(s)…and then would buy more the next year anyway!
Matt loved fishing, hunting, playing games, and being with friends and family, especially with his daughter Molly who he was so proud of. When Molly started playnig lacrosse over the last couple of years, Matt was determined to learn about it. This past spring, he completed his certification to referee lacrosse games in the St. Louis Youth Lacrosse Association. He also became certified by the Missouri State High School Athletic Association which would have qualified him to referee high school lacrosse games this school year.
We are extremely proud of Matt and his constant courage and tenacity to overcome adversity: -Having to come home from college to help mom take care of dad when dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer; -His and Maggie’s loss of their first born son, Frankie; -Having to deal with his own diagnosis of cancer, multiple myeloma; -Cancer destroying his kidneys; -Risk a kidney transplant which might trigger his cancer out of remission or face being on dialysis for the rest of his life.
In spite of all of this, you would rarely see Matt without a smile and a cheerfull “Howdy Do”.
We will forever miss you, brother! Love you
Service: Visitation will be at Kutis City Chapel (2906 Gravois Avenue) Tuesday, July 9 from 4:00 – 8:00 PM. Funeral Mass on Wednesday, July 10, 10:00 AM at St Catherine Laboure.
What a beautiful tribute to a very special man. I did not know him personally, but through my dear friend, Terry. My condolences to the entire Stockmann family. Thinking of you all, Suzanne Renner
Kathy, Terry and entire Stockmann family: I am so sorry for your loss. I remember Kathy always referred to Matt and Bill as “the little guys”. That was such a long time ago. Those two boys made me a Christmas ornament out of a walnut shell and I still hang it on my tree every year. R.I.P. Matt
My heartfelt condolences to Matt Stockmann’s family and friends. I had the privilege of umpiring lacrosse games with Matt, and he was always kind and patient, enthusiastic and passionate about the rules of the sport. He often spoke about his deep love for lacrosse and his daughter, and he was dedicated to umpiring forever. When he talked about the game, his excitement was contagious. One memorable lesson I learned from him was to always pack a snack during a game — a simple yet invaluable tip. I had caught him eating a Nutella snack pack. I’m sure Matt will continue to encourage us from heaven to grow the game. He will be sorely missed.
I am grateful to have known Matt as he supported his daughter’s love of lacrosse. We were sideline dad’s and reffed together several times. He approached both with passion and humility. I learned from him as he upskilled his understanding and he helped grow the game. I can see this was one of the many things he gave his all to support. I see from the remembrance above this was not unique to lacrosse. He stepped up to do things out of his comfort zone to benefit the rest of us. And he did it with passion. We all can learn from his example. Thanks for everything Matt .
Our sincere condolences go out to the
Entire Stockman family. We remember
Matt as a young boy and teenager. He was always a delight. He will be missed by many.
RIP Matt.
From Ed and Jane Koeller from SSMJ
I am so sad and so sorry when I received the news about Matt’s passing at such a young age. He was truly a very special person.
I was Matt’s baseball and basketball coach at St Raphael. He didn’t care where he played as long as he played. And yeah, Matt played hard.
Years later Matt refereed basketball for me at STR and was always in control of the game, himself and the situation: all with a wicked sense of humor I always admired his maturity and work ethic at such a young age.
Yeah, Matt was special
To Bill, Rick and all of the Stockmann family please know that Matt is in my prayers and may God bless his soul.
To the Stockmann family,
From the Simon family, our deepest sympathy and prayers. Matt was indeed special. Great athlete, competitor and man, just like his brothers. God bless you all.
While new to our chapter of lacrosse officials,, Matt will be dearly missed. Our deepest condolences to your family from ours here at CUWL.
Matt was a wonderful person. I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet him many times over his last years. Every conversation would wander over to his daughter, Molly, and how much joy she brought into his life.
Matt and I sat at the same lunch table in high school and we all envied what a good athlete Matt was. He was always kind to everyone that knew him. Matt will be greatly missed by all of us.
I’m so sorry to hear this awful
News. I coached Matt my first year at fontbonne and stayed in touch periodically
I went to HS with Matt. Haven’t seen him in a very long time but I do remember that grunt and how hard he hustled in all sports. He was an extremely genuine and nice person. May he rest in peace knowing he gave it is his all in all aspects of life.
Knew him from St Catherine Laboure and he was always kind and friendly. Such a nice man! Sorry for you loss!!!
I did not personally know Matt except as a babe tottingly around but knew some of his siblings. My thoughts and prayers are with Steve, Kathy, Greg and Terry who I knew best all the Stockmanns. 💕