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In Loving Memory

Dreon, Kathleen (nee Shea)

September 2, 1940 - June 29, 2024

Kathleen Dreon passed away on June 29, 2024 at the age of 83, in her hometown of St. Louis, MO.  She battled with dementia and stayed strong until the end.  Her loving husband Renzo was her full-time care giver providing comfort and tending to all of her needs right until the very end.  He was a rock and a much needed companion by her side.

Kathy was a mother to Mike (Karen), Steve (Kim), Christine (Mark), and Julie (Joe).  She was a grandmother to Jamie, Justin, Sarah, Joshua, Katie, Emily, Arabella, Scarlett, and Blaise. She was a great grandmother to William.

She grew up in St. Louis, MO and started her life with Renzo on June 4, 1960 at Epiphany Parish in South St. Louis and was married for 64 yrs.  She loved her sister Dorothy and they were always together or talking on the phone.

Kathy became an RN and loved her work.  She often told us later in life how she wanted to go back to nursing.  She has a 25 yr recognition plaque on the wall at St. Lukes Hospital.  She and Renzo became avid runners and she completed two full marathons.  Renzo was born in Italy so they started traveling there every year and eventually bought a home.  She loved those trips and enjoyed spending weeks in Renzo’s childhood hometown.

Most of all, she loved her family and adored the children.  She is free of disease now and at peace with the angels tonight.  She touched many lives and will live on in the hearts she left behind.  We love you mom!

Visitation is at Kutis Funeral Homes on Gravois Rd from 4-7 on July 4.  A Catholic mass will be at 12:00 on July 5 at Christ Prince of Peace Church on Weidman Rd in Manchester Mo.  Please consider donating to the Dementia Society of America in Kathy’s name.  The link is www.dementiasociety.org


13 thoughts on “Dreon, Kathleen (nee Shea)”

  1. I came to know Kathleen and Renzo at CPOP as we attended the same 9:45 am mass for several years. And I saw firsthand how Renzo truly was a “Rock” as he assisted Kathleen at church, and then FULL Time at home for the last several weeks. It was my honor to bring them holy communion on Sundays for the last few months, along with other volunteers in our Homebound Communion ministry. Kathleen and Renzo’s deep faith was truly inspirational to me, as they hung on to each other and their faith during this trying period. I too am glad that Kathleen is now with the angels and hopefully has found a good friend in my wife Mary. May they both rest in peace.

  2. We will miss our good friend and the mother of of our much loved daughter-in-law and lovely granddaughters. Prayers are going up for the family and especially for Renzo, who provided such loving care of Kathy for many months. Knowing you are with our Lord, Kathy, and have eternal peace gives us comfort.

  3. Smile warmly and broadly, Kathy, for a life so well lived!!!
    As co-head of a truly remarkable family, my hunch is that you are truly resting in peace!!!
    I am so glad that over the years I have reminded Kathy and Renzo quite often that I view them as parents of a truly remarkable family, in fact, an “All-American” model family. Children and grandchildren, I want you to know that without braggadocio, Kathy and Renzo could not be more proud of you: your hard work, your achievements, and especially your decency!! Yes, Kathy, rest in peace!!!
    And, Kathy, your faith has made an impact! Without being overbearing, you and Renzo have made clear the major source of your strength.
    And one last word, Kathy, “rest in peace” means no more marathons until Renzo joins you!!!!

    • Very well said, Harold! And thanks to you & Mary for taking Joni & George to the service. Wish we could have been there.

  4. I worked with Kathy at St Luke’s for many years. She was a hard worker & role model for many. I became reacquainted with her as a fellow parishioner at Christ Prince of Peace Catholic Church after her retirement. It was there that I met Renzo & saw first hand what true love is. I would see them at church, run into them at Walmart & other places out in the community. He was so attentive & caring. Such a wonderful couple, no doubt the angels & saints have welcomed Kathy into eternal life in heaven. God bless you dear friend from church & former co-worker❤️🙏

  5. God bless Kathleen Dreon. She carried her desease with great dignity. Renzo I take so much inspiration from you. You were the greatest of caregivers. I remember seeing you and Kathleen at the CPOP fish fry. You were with her constantly. We pray for Kaleen’s soul and for the entire Dreon family.

  6. God bless Kathleen Dreon. She carried her desease with great dignity. Renzo I take so much inspiration from you. You were the greatest of caregivers. I remember seeing you and Kathleen at the CPOP fish fry. You were with her constantly. We pray for Kathleen’s soul and for the entire Dreon family.

  7. So sorry for your loss, Renzo and family.
    Kathy was a sweet lady.
    I will keep her and your family in my prayers.

  8. I was blessed to meet Kathy & Renzo (as a fellow runner) at many running events. They were always together. Back in the day, I would see them running in Queeny Park, very hilly, not easy, but Kathy was a tough lady. I have such sweet memories of this lovely couple! In later years, we would meet for dinner or get-togethers and Kathy was always so very gracious and funny too. Rest in Peace, Sweet Lady.
    My deepest condolences to my dear friend Renzo and the entire Dreon Family.

  9. We are very sad to hear of the passing of Kathy. She was a sweet lady and great contributor to women’s running in our community. Prayers for Renzo and all the family to find comfort knowing their loved one is in heaven sharing her love and compassion.

  10. We were saddened to hear of Kathy‘s passing. She was a sweet lady and a great contributor to women’s running in our community. Prayers for the strength of Renzo and all the family at this difficult time., and hope you all feel comfort knowing Kathy is at peace in heaven, spreading her wings, and sharing her love and compassion.

  11. We met Kathy and Renzo decades ago when George started running, and since that time have considered them two of our dearest friends. We’ve watched their amazing children grow up and become the successful people they are.
    Rest in peace Kathy, and God bless dear, sweet Renzo.
    We love you very much.

  12. After several surgeries, I was forced to leave the running community, but I will always remember Kathy and Renzo. they were good friends and so devoted to each other. Their sense of humor always lightened our time together. Kathy was a dedicated wife and maternal rock. Renzo is a strong and determined individual and deserves only the best.
    Those who knew Kathy loved her.


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