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In Loving Memory

Dunn, Ron

Ron Dunn, at the age of 79, passed quietly into God’s hands on Monday, June 10, at 11:30 PM after a 3 year battle with 100% progressive prostate cancer and a struggle with Lewy Body Dementia. He survived many other medical procedures that plagued him during the last 3 to 4 years. He was born September 7, 1944, in (Wayne County) Detroit, Michigan. He is survived by his love and business partner of nearly 40 years, Susan B. Donovan.  Our blended family included his children Cassandra Charlie Fitch (Dunn) and Ronson Keith Dunn, from his first marriage, and, Erika Danielle Dunn (Rick Moore) from his second marriage. Ron’s grandchildren are Hunter Charles Fitch (Cassandra), and Anisabelle Mia Dunn (Ronson).  Erika’s children are Zakaryah (Zak) Donovan Dunn and Zofia Kayleen Dunn, (Kayleen honors Erika’s deceased Mother.)  His brother-in-law Steven Donovan and a half brother Chet Okopski (Ginny), as well as being survived by many nieces and nephews, many who lived with us for a time, as his children did. Timothy Donovan (Anna, children Fiona and Ryan); Scott Donovan (Laura, sons Patrick and Sean),  Julie Lennox Donovan, Kathleen (Katie) Marie Donovan (Joe Parker). Rom helped another nephew, Andrew Donovan, achieve a dream of being in the Army.

Preceding Ron into God’s kingdom are his parents, Beatrice Lefler (Dottie (Dorothy Dunn) and Chet Okopski; his grandmother, Josephine Aviakian; His Mother and Father-in law, John (Dick) and Mildred Donovan; His brother-in-law John (Mike) Donovan, and Ron’s  sister-in-law, Sarah Donovan (Steve.)

Ron loved his family and his relationship with God.  Second generation musician, he was proud of being a drummer and percussionist, a 50 year member of Detroit Federation of Musicians, and a long time member of the Director’s Guild of America. The love of military started when he was 17, signing up for the Air Force in April, 1962, dreaming of being a pilot but a knee injury prevented that avenue,  it seems he was destined to teach electronics and learn Spanish.  He spent some of his four years (plus 2 reserve years) in the Air Force in Spain and Germany.  While still spending time in several camps in the US, including Camp Le Jeune.  He started as a film director documenting surgery for the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. From there he branched into all aspects of film, video and record producing.  His credits and awards are too many to list including television specials (Beach Music Awards, Golden Eagle Awards, The Junior Miss Awards, etc) and several Charity events, including Jack Webb Awards honoring the heroes of 9/11. His music expertise, entertainment and the military made him a force to be reckoned with during the Korean Veteran War Memorial, ground breaking, July 1992, and Korean Veteran War Memorial dedication in July 1995. He filmed the only video of the Memorial before it was opened to the public to help raise the needed funds for “The Forgotten War”. While still working as a director and music producer, he still needed to help the military. He became and remained for several years an Army Ambassador to help soldiers in the reserve.  During Hurricane Katrina, he went down to Louisiana, to assist the Blue Devil Horse Platoon to rescue animals and others in need of help during that crisis.

In lieu of flowers or other traditional remembrance, the family would appreciate making a donation to the Lewy Body Dementia Association, org or to the Korean Veterans War Memorial.


1 thought on “Dunn, Ron”

  1. Ron and I served together in the Army Reserve Ambassador Program. He was committed to helping Soldiers in any way necessary to help them. He also assisted the Ambassador program with the 100th Anniversary Ball. He had an enormous amount of energy and was always ready to lend a hand or his experience when needed. We shall all miss him dearly.


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