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Amanda Kopff

In Loving Memory

Kopff, Amanda

April 28, 1987 - February 22, 2024

Entered eternal life February 22, 2024 at age 36.

Beloved daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin and friend.

Amanda was, in many ways, a 20th century pioneer. Also, a bit of a troublemaker….she was kicked out of the first parent/infant class established at the Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments. Although declared blind after birth, it was determined she no longer met the criteria for Delta Gamma services and would not advance to toddler class! Not the last time she would exceed expectations….She broke barriers at the Affton-Lindbergh Early Childhood Center when admin tried to dis-enroll her when it was learned she used a wheelchair and needed bathroom help. Amanda followed her older sister and entered the magnet school program, and again overcame the objections (you didn’t say there were “special needs”…well, you didn’t ask…and next year the application did ask).  In early elementary, Amanda transitioned to Bayless School District to be close to home, and established herself …each new building brought challenges but Bayless stepped up to ensure accessibility, and other students followed in her wake. Always wanting to be a teacher, Amanda enrolled at Fontbonne University as an education major and never looked back. Double majored in Elementary education 1-6 and Special Education K-12, and then went to work on her Master’s. When Fontbonne announced several new certificates, Amanda chose to complete the Autism Spectrum Disorder certification. When she began teaching PSR, she worked through the Paul VI Institute to become a Certified Catechist. After working with Special School District in several public school districts (Hancock Place was a favorite!) and private schools, Amanda found her niche with online tutoring…most recently working with Ignite to teach phonics, K-8.

Amanda loved to listen to her Cardinal and Blues games…she could be persuaded to attend a Cardinals game as long as she could cover her ears when a home run happened, but her first in-person Blues game was also her last. Not even a Stanley Cup could entice her to return to the rink.  She was a whiz at all word games…Boggle was a favorite, but supplanted by Wordle, Connections, Waffle, Squaredle when the family would post their times and scores on their phones. Amanda had a sad day last week when her Squaredle streak ended at 436 days…because her phone died while working on the puzzle in the hospital!

Amanda couldn’t enter a room without seeing or making a friend. Out and about with the family, Amanda was so recognizable…it got to be a family joke we couldn’t go somewhere without hearing “Are you Amanda’s Dad/Mom/Sister?”. She left us suddenly and too soon, but by her choosing. She expressed to her final doctors that she wanted “quality of life over quantity” and died as unselfishly as she lived.

Visitation Kutis Affton Chapel 10151 Gravois Rd. 63123 on Thursday, February 29, 4-8 pm   Funeral Mass St. Mark Church Friday, March 1, at 10 am Interment to follow at Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery.

Memorials to Spina Bifida STL or St. Mark SVDP preferred, in lieu of flowers.



10 thoughts on “Kopff, Amanda”

  1. So sorry to hear of Amanda’s passing. She was such a treasure in our church. Praying that God will give you, Tom and Debbie and her entire family, strength and peace through this time of grief. God rest her sweet soul.

    • Debbie and Tom, and family,
      I’m so sorry to hear of Amanda’s passing. You will be in my prayers!
      May Eternal Rest be granted Amanda and Perpetual Light shine on her!

  2. My dearest memory of Amanda is from second grade, when she and I walked down the aisle at Mary Queen together to enter the church for our First Holy Communion. Getting to know her in Youth Ministry years later was a huge blessing. May she rest in the peace of Christ, and we’ll be praying for her and for peace for your family.

  3. Will miss hearing Amanda’s angelic voice at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass at St. Mark’s. Amanda was an amazing young woman. She accomplished so much in her life and is definitely an inspiration to all. She is now in the loving arms of Jesus. Keeping Amanda and her family in my prayers.

  4. I am so saddened to hear of Amanda’s passing. I had the privilege of working as her case manager for over 22yrs. Pioneer is the perfect word to describe Amanda. Other words I can use are Strong, Resilient, Independent but yet Sweet and Kind. I will miss her beautiful smile. Tom and Debbie, thank you for allowing me to serve Amanda. It was an honor and truly a pleasure knowing the entire family.

  5. We first met Amanda, and her wonderful family, in a parent infant program. Amanda always had a smile on her face.
    She accomplished so much in life, she turned ,”disability”, into ” diferent ability.” She chose a career in teaching others with special needs. What a wonderful tribute she gave to others. It was an honor to know her.
    We will never forget her. I believe Amanda and Ryan are singing and dancing in eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ.
    John, Rhonda and Marissa Triller

  6. Condolences to whole family. Amanda and i graduated from Bayless High school in 05. She always had a smile on her face, and that’s how I will remember her always. I am so saddened by this news. May she rest in peace.
    Your class mate of 05


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