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William Bahr1

In Loving Memory

Bahr, William “Bill” H.

March 30, 1937 – May 29, 2023

William “Bill” H. Bahr of St. Louis, Missouri passed away on May 29, 2023, at Friendship Village in Sunset Hills, Missouri after a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease. He was 86 years old.

Bill was born on March 30, 1937, to the Rev. William F.C. Bahr and Emma Helen Louise Bahr (nee Boettcher) in Ord, Nebraska. He was the ninth of eleven children. Bill was baptized on April 11, 1937, in Nebraska. Bill’s early years were spent in Nebraska where his father served as a Lutheran Pastor. The family moved to Missouri in 1946, then to Ruma, Illinois in 1952 where Bill was confirmed at Red Bud Lutheran Church on March 29, 1953, and where he attended Red Bud High School, graduating in 1957. Bill also spent many of his summers growing up working on his Uncle Bill’s truck farm in St. Louis.

Shortly after high school in 1957, Bill joined the US Army. His basic training was at Fort Leornard Wood. In 1958, he had a brief assignment at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico. He spent most of his time in the Army from 1958 to 1960 in Fort Richardson, Alaska. Bill loved his time in Alaska while in the Army and had many weekend adventures exploring and sightseeing throughout Alaska.

Bill returned to Illinois in 1960 where he met and married Darlene Bahr (nee Koester) on May 9, 1964, in Red Bud, Illinois. Bill and Darlene settled in Lemay, MO where they bought a home, became lifelong members of Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in Affton, and raised their daughters, Kelley and Kimberly.

Bill’s professional career began in 1960 where he spent 42 years as a dedicated employee of Concordia Publishing House and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in computer operations and information systems. He also continued to spend summer weekends supporting his uncle’s truck farm and briefly owned a laundromat in Affton with his brother, Albert. He loved spending time working around the house, mowing the lawn, helping his family with projects, hosting an annual infamous Bahr garage sale on Landor Court where he could sell anything to anyone, and driving around in his old red Ford pickup truck.

Bill is survived by his wife of 59 years, Darlene; his two daughters and son in law: Kelley and Kimberly (Patrick Acheson); two sisters: Arlene Leenerts and Grace Schneider (Marty); sister-in-law: Doris; and his two grandchildren: Meghan and Erin. He is predeceased by his parents; his siblings: Vivian, Virginia, Albert (Darlene), Calvin (Esther), William Timothy, Virgil, Evangeline Welge (Walter), and Luther; and brother-in-law: Rev. Roger Leenerts.

Bill spent a great deal of time in his final years exercising and meeting friends at the Christ Memorial Lutheran Church Fitness Center. In lieu of flowers and if you wish to make donations, please do so to Christ Memorial Lutheran Church (for the fitness center). A visitation will be held from 10-11 a.m. on June 10, 2023, at Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in St. Louis with a service to follow. His ashes will be interred at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery at a later date.


2 thoughts on “Bahr, William “Bill” H.”

  1. Darlene, I just saw Bill’s obituary. I’m sorry for your loss, but know he is with our Saviour in Heaven.

    I’m getting ready to retire from I.T. in a few months and remember working closely with Bill at my first job in I.T. at CPH. He was always helpful and friendly.

    I also remember talking with him at church and always enjoyed our conversations.

    Pass my condolences to Kim as well. I was her 8th grade Sunday School teacher.

    I wish God’s blessings and comfort to you all.

  2. RIP Bill. I was the neighborhood kid that worked for Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill was like a second dad and Bill and Luther were like a very super friend. I tell people I joined the Marines to get off the farm. I looked forward to summers when Bill and Luther showed up to help Uncle Bill.
    In our wedding pictures we have both Bill and Luther which I enjoy looking at and remember our good times.
    Our prayers go out to the Bahr family. Bern and Diana Dickneite


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