Beloved mother and mother-in-law to Jennie (Bob) Mascheck , Jeff (Carrie) Doyle and cherished grandmother to Brian, Elise and Jason Doyle. Preceded to heaven by her husband, James, her sister, brothers and granddaughter, Grace. With gratitude to Kim and SSM Hospice and the staff, families and residents of Mary, Queen and Mother Center for their many kindnesses and care. A special thanks to Nancy Mueller for her unwavering support. Audrey fought the good fight. She finished the race. She kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7 If desired, donations to St. Luke’s UMC.
Visitation at Kutis Affton Chapel 10151 Gravois Rd. 63123 On Friday, June 11 from 10 am until Funeral Service time at 11:00 am. Interment at J.B. National Cemetery will be held in private.